The production department of King Button Garment Accessories Co., Ltd. works together with the purchasing department. Our purchasing department often considers about the following factors that included 1) seeking the goods or services our client(s) needs or wants while offering them with a comfortable and reasonable price, 2) define the quantity of the products need to be obtained in order to fulfill the demands of the clients. At the same time, our purchasing department shall be able to estimate the cost of producing the goods in the customers’ expecting amount. After gathering the information from the client(s), we will then proceed to the step of product production who is responsible for manufacturing goods and services.

Production Department often uses the resources we have at King Button that includes labor, machinery and a variety of techniques to produce the buttons that fulfill the client(s)’ needs and shall be able to fit in using in jeans, coats and/or etc. Besides manufacturing the goods, our production department is in charge of every maintenance and a proper care of the equipment that uses to produce the buttons which will allow us to deliver the highest quality of goods to our clients.